Faculty Profile

Sangita Choudhury, PhD

Assistant Professor in Pediatrics
Associate Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Cardiovascular Genetics, Regeneration, Aging, Somatic mutation, Genetics, Translational Cardiovascular Genetics.

Sangita Choudhury, Ph.D is the Principal Investigator of the Choudhury lab. Sangita Choudhury obtained her Ph.D. in cell biology and molecular cardiology in the lab of Stephan B. Felix from the University of Greifswald, Germany. Sangita studied the mechanism of heart failure and cardiac regeneration during her postdoctoral fellowship at BIDMC and Boston Children’s Hospital. Her primary research interest is to investigate the genetics of human disease from a translational viewpoint by combining her expertise in clinical medicine, basic biology, and bioinformatics. Her research group studies the rate, causes, and consequences of somatic mutations in the human heart and across the body. Her group utilizes a variety of cutting-edge single-cell genomic and bioinformatic techniques to unveil the role of somaic variants in human development, aging, and disease.

Her research project is being funded by the Boston Children’s Hospital’s Office of Faculty Development, American Heart Association and National Institute of Health (NHLBI), and Manton Foundation.

Choudhury lab website: https://bchgenetics.org/ChoudhuryLab/


Boston Children's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Broad Institute